On Sabbath March 29, our main speaker was Pastor Evans with his sermon entitled "Remembrance".
Pastor Tom Evans
On Sabbath March 22, our main speaker was Pastor Evans with his sermon entitled "God is Greater Than ...".
Bro. Ian Francis
On Sabbath March 15, our guest speaker was Bro. Francis with his sermon entitled "Go On In".
Bro. William Thompson
On Sabbath March 8, our guest speaker was Bro. William Thompson with his sermon entitled "Moab Refuses to be Changed".
Bro. Brian Beavers
On Sabbath March 1, Bro. Beavers was the guest speaker with his sermon entitled "An Attitude of Gratitude".
Bro. Yosef Sacuiu
On Sabbath February 22, our guest speaker was Bro. Yosef Sacuiu with his sermon entitled "No Man's Land".
Bro. Rich Giordano
On Sabbath February 15, our guest speaker was Bro. Rich Giordano with his sermon entitled "Seventh-day Adventist: Spiritual Israel of the Last Days".
Prayer for Sis. Pepper Jones
On Sabbath February 8, our congregation lovingly surrounded Sister. Pepper in prayer as she faces a serious illness. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Pastor Tom Evans
On Sabbath February 8, Pastor Evans was the main speaker with his sermon entitled "God Gives Gifts".
Feb 1 - Special Music: Amada Morton
Bro. Brian Beavers
On Sabbath February 1, Bro. Beavers was the guest speaker with his sermon entitled "Bent Over". Bro. Beavers can be heard on Rumble through his podcast AGTV (The Apocalyptic Gospel).
Happy Anniversary to Richard & Peggy Hicks! Happy Anniversary to Bill & Jacquie Johnson!
This week the Hick's celebrated their 72nd wedding anniversary while the Johnson's celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary. May God continue to add years of love and happiness to these marriages.
Pastor Tom Evans
On Sabbath January 25, Pastor Tom Evans was the main speaker with his sermon entitled "To the Whole World".
Bro. Joseph Sombillo
On Sabbath January 18, our guest speaker was Bro. Joseph Sombillo with his sermon entitled "Out of the Abundance of the Heart the Mouth Speaketh".
Bro. Brian Beavers
On Sabbath January 4, Bro. Beavers was the guest speaker with his sermon entitled "A Good Example". Bro. Beavers can be heard on Rumble through his podcast AGTV (The Apocalyptic Gospel).
Pastor Tom Evans
On Sabbath December 28, Pastor Tom Evans was the main speaker with his sermon entitled "After Action Review". His sermon was followed by the final communion service of 2024.
Happy Anniversary to Tom & Terrie Evans
The Evans celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary this past week. May God's abundant blessings of love, health, and joy forever grace their union.
Pastor Tom Evans
On Sabbath December 21, Pastor Tom Evans was the main speaker with his sermon entitled "Elohim and the Bible".
Bro. William Thompson
On Sabbath December 14, Bro. William Thompson was the guest speaker with his sermon entitled "Unbelievers and the Second Resurrection".
Bro. Brian Beavers
On Sabbath December 7, Bro. Brian Beavers was the guest speaker with his sermon entitled "Powerless". Listen to Bro. Beavers on Rumble through his podcast AGTV (The Apocalyptic Gospel).
Happy Anniversary to Robert & Liza Rochelle
The Rochelle's will celebrate their wedding anniversary on December 12. May God's blessings and guidance be upon this couple as they embark on their lifelong journey.
Bro. Homer Scott
On Sabbath November 30, our main speaker was Bro. Homer Scott with his sermon entitled "Waldensians/ Vaudois/ Piedmontese". The Waldensian church was an extension of the early apostolic church. They used the Bible as the ultimate source of truth and instruction. They were cruelly persecuted for not accepting doctrines and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. Their faithfulness is a testimony to us.
Pastor Tom Evans
On Sabbath November 23, our main speaker was Pastor Tom Evans with his sermon entitled "And God Spoke".
Bro. Joseph Sombillo
On Sabbath November 16, our guest speaker was Bro. Joseph Sombillo with his sermon entitled "Preach the Word".
Dr. Ivane Hanscom
On Sabbath November 9, our guest speaker was Dr. Ivane Hanscom. The title of her presentation was "God's Way of Healing".
Bro. Brian Beavers
On Sabbath November 2, our guest speaker was Bro. Brian Beavers with his sermon entitled "Touched".
Pastor Tom and Terrie Evans, "We Love You!"
On Sabbath, October 31st, we expressed our sincere gratitude to Pastor Tom and Sister Terrie for their twelve years of dedicated service to our Gloucester church. Pastor Tom has selflessly led our congregation without accepting any remuneration. Sister Terrie has been an invaluable asset, serving as our lead Superintendent and Sabbath School Teacher for our youth. Their commitment to our church, rooted in their love for God, is truly commendable. We are deeply grateful for their tireless efforts.
Bro. Leland DuNomes
On Sabbath October 31, our guest speaker was Bro. Leland DuNomes with his sermon entitled "The Righteous Man Struggles".
Pastor Tom Evans
On Sabbath October 12, our main speaker was Pastor Tom Evans with his sermon entitled "Fighting Fair". God's fairness has always been the subject of debate. God has been restricting the liberties of Satan, but when the winds of strife are unleashed, then we shall have a fair fight.
Bro. Brian Beavers
On Sabbath October 5, our guest speaker was Bro. Beavers with his sermon entitled "Compassion". When life becomes overwhelming, Jesus is there to provide a solution. He reaches out to those who are at their lowest point.
Pastor Tom Evans
On Sabbath September 28, our main speaker was Pastor Tom Evans with his sermon entitled "What is Your GPA?". To truly proclaim the Christian faith, we must first be filled with the spirit of Christ. Without embodying His gentle nature and selfless love, our words are empty and our actions meaningless.
The Lord's Supper (Communion Service)
Following the sermon by Pastor Evans, we participated in the Lord's Supper (or Communion Service). Seventh-day Adventists practice open communion at least four times per year where we commemorate the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross. At Gloucester SDA, we incorporate all the emblems and ordinances in each communion service, including the consumption of bread and wine along with foot-washing.
Bro. Philani Mabaso
On Sabbath September 21, our guest speaker was Bro. Mabaso with his sermon entitled "As We Prepare for the End of Time". Just as John the Baptist is prophetically called Elijah, we today are called to preach an Elijah message. A message of warning, judgment, reconciliation and the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pastor Wrink Shelton
On Sabbath September 14, our guest speaker was Pastor Shelton with his sermon entitled "Basketball Shoes".
Happy Birthday to Tiana, Blake & Hans-Peter
We thank God for giving Bro. Hans-Peter and Blake another year of life and for allowing Tiana to see her first birthday. May God continue to bless these individuals with health and strength.
Bro. Bobby Washington
On Sabbath September 7, our main speaker was Bro. Washington with his sermon entitled "How'd We Get Here?". His sermon addressed the ways in which our dietary choices, fashion, and the role of women in the church have deviated from God's original design for mankind. Seemingly minor departures from God's guidelines have indeed led to our present state.
Happy Anniversary to Gregory & Shamika Henry!
Gregory and Shamika celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary on September 1. May God continue to bless their union.
Pastor Tom Evans
On Sabbath August 31, our main speaker was Pastor Tom Evans with his sermon entitled "The Pharisees & the Woman". In his sermon, he examined the transformative power of forgiveness as exemplified in Luke 7:39-50. Mary, overwhelmed with gratitude towards Jesus, faced social disapproval and criticism. However, Jesus intervened to defend her and bring her peace.
Pastor David Tripp
On Sabbath August 24, our guest speaker was Pastor David Tripp with his sermon entitled "No Other gods". He discussed the second commandment, emphasizing the importance of eliminating idols from our lives. Idolatry is prevalent in our world today but it should never be prevalent in our lives.
Free Watermelon & Roast Corn for the Community
Free Watermelon & Roasted Corn
The Gloucester SDA Church hosted a community outreach event on Sunday, August 18th, providing free watermelon and roasted corn. The event was a success, attracting many attendees and fostering connections between the church and the local community.
Bro. Ian Francis
On Sabbath August 17, our guest speaker was Bro. Ian Francis with his sermon entitled "Get Out". The sermon delved into the widespread campaign to enforce Sunday as a day of religious observance across the United States and internationally.
Pastor Tom Evans
On Sabbath August 10, our main speaker was Pastor Evans with his sermon entitled "Sweet Hour of Prayer". Prayer is essential in the life of every Christian and places us directly in the presence of God. We should pray with the confidence that God is right there with us. If Jesus would not start his day without prayerful communion with his father, then how much more should we follow his example.
Bro. Brian Beavers
On Sabbath August 3, our guest speaker was Bro. Beavers with his sermon entitled "Withered". Withered sets the scene for earths final conflict through Jesus’ ministry of healing. There were two things that angered religious leaders in Jesus day, and will anger the enemies of God in the last days. Through the infirmed discover what is essential to stand faithful as the enemies of God surround you.
Bro. Gregory Henry
On Sabbath July 27, our main speaker was Bro. Henry with his sermon entitled "The Healing & the Sealing". The Papacy, mortally wounded in 1798, has since regained significant global influence. However, as its power is restored, God will begin to seal His people.
Bro. Godfrey Miyanda
On Sabbath July 20, our guest speaker was Bro. Godfrey Miyanda with his sermon entitled "Choosing God; over the World's Desires". Bro. Miyanda will embark on a second "Zambia Mission Trip" later this year.
Pastor Tom Evans
On Sabbath July 13, our main speaker was Pastor Evans with his sermon entitled "Tragedies & Victories". In 1845, two tragedies occurred. One, because they failed to 'Protect'. The other, because they failed to 'Prepare'. As we move into the Time of Trouble, we need to protect what is precious (The Sacred Truths) and we need to prepare for the tempter's efforts to separate us from Christ. (Scripture Memorization & Immersive Bible Study).
Bro. Brian Beavers
On Sabbath July 6, our guest speaker was Bro. Beavers with his sermon entitled "The Walking Bed". In his sermon about the healing of the paralytic in Mark 2:1-12, the message is clear: the same power that healed the paralytic is available to us today. As Christians, we can access this power through faith.
Pastor Tom Evans
On Sabbath June 29, our main speaker was Pastor Evans with his sermon entitled "Stinky Feet". After the sermon, the congregation participated in the communion service.
Bro. Bobby Washington
On Sabbath June 22, our main speaker was Bro. Bobby Washington with his sermon entitled "Sanctify a Fast".
Bro. David Stewart
On Sabbath June 8, our main speaker was Bro. Stewart with his sermon entitled "See What the Lord Hath Wrought for Us". His sermon highlighted various ministries offered by the SDA church.
Bro. Homer Scott
On Sabbath June 8, our main speaker was Bro. Scott with his sermon entitled "Now Serving: Delicious Roles". In his sermon, he elaborated on the roles each gender should demonstrate according to the word of God. One of the main points that he highlighted was that "deviation from who God made us to be and the roles He has given us causes division and destruction in individuals, families, churches and the society."
Pastor David Tripp
On Sabbath May 25, our guest speaker was Pastor David Tripp with his sermon entitled "Christ is Lord".
Pastor Tom Evans
On Sabbath May 18, our main speaker was Pastor Tom Evans with his sermon entitled "Drop Those Rocks". In his sermon, he cautioned us against holding on to judgment and resentment, which can ultimately hinder our spiritual growth. We should "drop those rocks", a metaphor for the burden of judgment we carry, and embrace the forgiving spirit of Jesus.
Pastor Bonita Shields
On Sabbath May 11, Pastor Bonita Shields was the guest speaker with her sermon entitled "Image of the Divine". Her sermon highlighted the fearless character of the Hebrew midwives (Shiphrah and Puah) who spared the lives of the Hebrew boy babies despite being commanded otherwise by Pharaoh.
Vegan Cooking Class
Vegan Cooking Class
On Sunday May 5, Sis. Delores Parlett hosted a Vegan Cooking Class at the DAV Building in Gloucester. She demonstrated how to prepare various vegan dishes including Borscht (Soup), Rice Pudding, No Bake Energy Bars, Fajitas and more. Attendees were offered a sample of the prepared dishes.
Bro. David Stewart
On Sabbath April 27, Bro. David Stewart was the main speaker with his sermon entitled "Reviving the Advent Mission". Since the early advent pioneers sacrificed for the sake of others to give them the love of Jesus and tell them of his soon coming, we today are to be doing the same. His sermon emphasized the need for current Seventh-day Adventists to sacrifice for others by sharing the three angels' messages. It is plain that we are to be working as Jesus commanded us in Matthew 28:18-19.
Pastor Tom Evans
On Sabbath April 20, Pastor Evans was the main speaker with his sermon entitled "Ready or Not?".
Pastor Wrink Shelton
On Sabbath April 13, Pastor Shelton was the guest speaker with his sermon entitled "Remember". His sermon focused on the dangers of keeping the Sabbath legalistically.
Bro. Brian Beavers
On Sabbath April 6, Bro. Beavers was the main speaker with his sermon entitled "Certainty".